Johan, Start Your Engine…

Likes: Jolly Jumper, being able to crawl, playing with solid food on his high chair tray
Dislikes: Antibiotic medicine, ear infections, actually eating all the solid food on his high chair tray

Johan is eight months old, and it has been a month of several exciting milestones, plus one milestone we all would would have preferred to skip: his first ear infection. But he took his antibiotics like a champ and, as predicted, was back to his normal self not long after that.  

He celebrated his first New Years Eve by dressing up in fancy clothes and then sleeping through midnight, which his parents were appreciative of. Mommy made gingerbread cookies, but he hears he won’t be able to try those out until at least mid-May. However, he is making some progress towards that possibility, with his two bottom teeth coming through! 
Johan’s most exciting achievement of this month is learning how to crawl! He was revving his engines for quite a number of weeks, and this week he finally put all the pieces together to get himself into motion (although he isn’t getting points for style just yet). We are glad that we have baby gates installed at the top of the stairs and look forward to watching him pick up speed and momentum. Aside from practicing his fun new skill, he enjoys zooming sometimes with his Savta Fran in Atlanta, visiting his other grandparents in Chevy Chase, participating in his new zoom music class from the EDCJCC, and jumping in his jolly jumper. We are excited to find out what else he discovers and learns in month 9!  

As always, there are photos of his adventures being posted here.